BRIGHT ROUND-M1020-40.00dia1020 is a general purpose low tensile low hardenablity carbon steel generally supplied in the cold drawn or turned and polished condition, with a typical tensile strength range 410 - 790 Mpa, and Brinell hardness range 119 -235.
Characterised by excellent weldablilty, very good machinability with reasonable strength and very good ductility.
1020 dua to its very low hardenability will through harden only in very small sections to relatively moderate strength levels, and therefore generally used in the cold drawn or turned and polished condition. It can however be carburised achieving case hardnesses over Rc 65 with smaller sections, reducing as section size increases. Core strength will remain as supplied for all sections. Alternatively it can be carbonnitrided offering some advantages over standard carburising.
It will not respond satisfactorily to flame or induction hardening due to its low carbon content, nor to nitriding due to a lack of suitable alloying elements.
1020 is used extensively by all industry sectors for applications requiring good machinability or excellent weldablilty when high strength is not required plus lightly stressed carburised parts. It is also often used un-machined as supplied, its bright cold drawn or turned and polished finish being acceptable for many applications.
Typical applications are: Axles, General Engineering Parts and Components, Machinery Parts, Shafts etc or carburised: Camshafts, Light Duty Gears, Gudgon Pins, Ratchets, Spindles Worm Gears etc.
COLOUR CODE: Custard Bar end.
FORGING: - Heat to 1100 - 1200 degc max, hold until temperature is uniform throughout the section and commence forging. DO NOT Forge belwo 900degc. Finished forgings may be air cooled.
ANNEALING: - Heat to 870 - 910degc hold until temperature is uniform throughout the section, and cool in furnace.
CARBURISING: - Pack, salt or gas carburise at 800 - 920 degc, holding for sufficient time to develop the required case depth and carbon content, followed by a suitable refining/hardening and tempering cycle to optimise case and core properties.
CORE REFINE: Slow cool from Carburising temperature and re-heat to 870 - 900degc, hold until temperature is uniform throughout the section and quench as required in oil, water or brine.
CASE HARDENING: Following core refining, re-heat to 870 - 900degc, hold until temperature is uniform throughout the section and quench as required in oil, water or brine.
Re-heat to 150 - 200degc, hold until temperature is uniform throughout the section, soak for 1 hour per 25mm of section and cool in still air. NB. Tempering will improve the toughness of the case with only slight reduction in case hardness. It will also reduce it suseptibility to grinding cracks.
NORMALIZING: - Heat to 890 - 940degc, hold until temperature is uniform throughout the section, soak for 10-15mins and cool in still air.
NOTES ON TREATMENT: Heating temperatures, rate of heating, cooling and soaking times will vary due ot factors such as work piece size/shape, also furnace type employed, quenching medium and work piece transfer facilities etc.
MACHINING: 1020 in the bright cold drawn or turned and polished as supplied condition has very good machinablility and all operations ssuch as turning, drilling, tapping, milling etc. can be carried out satisfactorily as per machine manufactures recommendations for suitable tool type, feeds and speeds.
WELDING: - 1020 has excellent weldablilty in the cold drawn or turned and polished as supplied condition, and can be readily welded by any of the standard welding processes. NB Welding in the carburised or heat treated condition is not recommended.
WELDING PROCEDURE: Low carbon electrodes are recommended - please consult your welding consumables supplier for suitable electrodes. A pre-heat or post-heat is not generally required, however pre-heating larger sections can be beneficial as can post-weld stress relieve if this is possible.
Weight: 9.864 KG/MTR